1.Record a 12-lead ECG. (12导联体表心电图)
2.Nerve Conduction Velocity along the ulnar nerve of a human subject (神经传导)
3.Record (noninvasive) blood pressure response to isometric or straining exercise. (血压 )
4.Record the Wingate Anaerobic Test and complete Wingate Test calculations. (缺氧实验)
5.Record the finger twitch from a human subject. (手指颤动)
6.Active Learning Experiment for human EMG (肌电图)
7.Active Learning ECG Dive Reflex Experiment (潜水反射实验)
8.Auditory Evoked Potential recordings from human subjects (听觉刺激实验)
9.Electroencephalography (EEG) and Hemispheric Asymmetry (半球脑电图)
10.Sensory-Motor Learning and Electrodermal Activity (EDA) ( 皮肤电活动)
11.EOG: Angular Displacement - Saccade Study (扫视眼电图)
12.EOG: Tracking study - Effect of visual stimulation vs. imagination (盯视眼电图)
13.EOG: Ocular Fixations while reading (Part one: 3-lead) (阅读时视觉固定眼电图(3导联))
14.EOG: Ocular Fixations while viewing an image (Part two: 6-lead) (观图时视觉固定眼电图(6导联))
15.Active Learning: Reflexes & Reaction Time (刺激响应时间)
16.Biomechanics (Goniometry & EMG) (生物力学(测运动角度和肌电))
17.Exercise Physiology: Automatic Noninvasive Blood Pressure (自动无创血压)
18.Record and measure oxygen consumption and respiratory exchange ratio (耗氧及呼吸交换速率)
19.Noninvasively record and measure cardiac output and stroke volume (心排量及每搏心输出量(无创))
20.Visual Evoked Potential recordings from human subjects (P100 test)( 视觉刺激实验)
21.Record ECG data under different experimental conditions and perform a Signal Averaged ECG recording for each segment of data. (信号平均心电图)
22.Record EDR and Heart Rate response to repeated stimulus to demonstrate habituation and its probabilistic trend toward decreased response. (重复习惯性)
23.Schematics and design notes to build Active Filters, Sine Wave Generator, Logarithmic Amplifier, and Absolute Value Converter with SS39L and MP30. (生物工程)
24.Block diagram to build ECG R-wave detector with SS39L and MP30. (生物工程II)
25.Record EMG response on the corrugator supercilii & zygomaticus major muscles. (面部肌电图)
26.Record knee and ankle reflex response with the SS36L Reflex Hammer transducer. Optional: Use SS20L Goniometer to measure angular movement in response to varying strike force. (膝跳反应)
27.Record strength of interference between two associative tasks: naming and reading. (心理相关性生理)
28.Record the startle response with and without a prepulse inhibition stimulus. (惊觉反应)
29.Heart rate variability analysis (心率变异)